Blood Elf

Racial Ability / Trained Skills / Bonus Ability / Ultimates
Racial Ability
For more information about racial abilities, click this link.

S P E L L   I M M U N I T Y   ( coming soon )
Renders this player immune to skill and ultimate damage.
Level Effects Level Req
110% chance to avoid magic damage.0
1060% chance to avoid magic damage.9
Completely avoid damage from skills that can carry a lot, such as trueshot aura and critical strike.

Not all skills deal magic damage, and the skill does not make Blood Elves completely immune to magic damage.

Trained Skills
For more information about trained skills, click this link.

F E E D B A C K   ( coming soon )
Attacks have a chance to destroy mana. The mana combusts, dealing damage to the target player.
Level Effects Level Req
115% chance to increase cooldown by 0.5 sec(s), deals 3 damage.1
225% chance to increase cooldown by 1.0 sec(s), deals 6 damage.3
335% chance to increase cooldown by 1.5 sec(s), deals 9 damage.5
Burning mana immediately before a player tries to cast an ultimate means they will have to wait, which means they could die before getting it off.

Without an ultimate, only the damage is applied with the skill.

I N N E R   F I R E   ( coming soon )
Gives the player a chance to take only 30% of incoming damage.
Level Effects Level Req
1Gives 25 bonus armor and 5% bonus damage.1
2Gives 50 bonus armor and 10% bonus damage.3
3Gives 75 bonus armor and 15% bonus damage.5
Lots of armor, second only to devotion aura. While the damage bonus seems very minor, it's usually enough to 'virtually' cancel out any defensive skills your target may have.

Requires armor to use.

D E F E N D   ( coming soon )
Increases the player's damage and maximum armor.
Level Effects Level Req
110% chance to absorb damage.1
220% chance to absorb damage.3
330% chance to absorb damage.5
Allows the Blood Elf to live after a shot that could kill any other race.

Not completely reliable because of the low chance of it's occurance.

Bonus Ability
For more information about bonus abilities, click this link.

S I P H O N   M A N A   ( coming soon )
Decreases the timer on the player's ultimate on each successful attack. Ultimate must be in cooldown for the skill to work.
Level Effects Level Req
1No information at this time.10
6No information at this time.15
Repeatedly hitting a player may give just enough mana to recast an ultimate and finish the job.

Damage must be dealt for the skill to be of any use.

For more information about ultimates, click this link.

H E A L   ( coming soon )
Heals a wounded teammate over time.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
Up to 24 seconds45 secondsSelf, Teammates
Restores up to 80 health on target over a period of 24 seconds.
Can heal the most possible health for a single target over time in the game. When the ultimate is cancelled, the cooldown will reflect only the ammount of heals used.

Unlike other heals over time, Heal requires the caster physically cast it on the target each time, and while it can heal a massive ammount, if the target steps out of range the cooldown will ensue. This means healing times must be picked wisely.

F L A M E   S T R I K E   ( coming soon )
Conjures a pillar of fire which damages players in a target area over time.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
10 seconds45 secondsEnemies, Teammates
Players take 16 damage/sec inside fire, and 6 damage/sec outside fire for 3 seconds.
Can potentially deal the most damage of all ultimates simply because it anyone that stands in it/walks through it will take damage. Can also be used block off entryways since most players will not walk through it.

Players will usually only take 2 waves or so of damage before running out of it, and since it can't be moved when cast, you may end up dealing only 30 damage or so.

B A N I S H   ( coming soon )
Turns the target ethereal and slows their movement speed. Ethereal players cannot attack, but they can cast ultimates and will take 66% more damage from ultimates cast on them.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
8 seconds45 secondsEnemies
Target is made ethereal and slowed for 8 seconds.
When cast on a player without an ultimate, or in their cooldown, this ultimate is extremely crippling. Support XP is also awarded if another player casts a damaging ultimate on a player that is banished.

The target of banish can still attack with their knife, and cast their ultimate if one is present.

S P E L L   S T E A L   ( coming soon )
Steals a positive buff from an enemy player and applies it to the caster.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
Unknown45 secondsN/A
No information at this time.
In combination with a sobi mask or even siphon mana, multiple abilities can be applied on the player at the same time.

The ultimate is not very effective when cast on members of the same race.

CREATION BY RYAN � Copyright 2004