
Racial Ability / Trained Skills / Bonus Ability / Ultimates
Racial Ability
For more information about racial abilities, click this link.

S P I K E D   S H E L L   ( coming soon )
Forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increases the player's defense and returns damage to enemy attackers.
Level Effects Level Req
1Gives 10 bonus armor, returns 2% damage.0
10Gives 50 bonus armor, returns 20% damage.9
Damage players by taking damage. The armor boost is helpful, too.

Requires armor to use.

Trained Skills
For more information about trained skills, click this link.

F R O S T   A R R O W S   ( coming soon )
Adds a cold effect to attacks, adding damage and slowing a target enemy's movement speed.
Level Effects Level Req
130% chance to deal 1 bonus damage and slow target for 0.5 secs.1
250% chance to deal 2 bonus damage and slow target for 1.0 secs.3
370% chance to deal 3 bonus damage and slow target for 1.5 secs.5
Slows the target making them easier to kill. Count on targets being slowed with every confrontation.

The skill does not deal a great ammount of bonus damage.

A B O L I S H   M A G I C   ( coming soon )
Automatically dispells negative speed-altering effects from the player.
Level Effects Level Req
1Dispell a slow/immobilizing effect every 15 seconds.1
2Dispell a slow/immobilizing effect every 10 seconds.3
3Dispell a slow/immobilizing effect every 5 seconds.5
Has a chance of dispelling any speed altering effects cast on the player that work over time, including ultimates.

Though it can dispell speed aspects of ultimates, the damage associated with these ultimates is not blocked.

H A R D E N E D   S K I N   ( coming soon )
Reduces the damage of all attacks on the player. Attacks cannot be reduced below 3 damage.
Level Effects Level Req
1All attacks reduced by 3 damage.1
2All attacks reduced by 6 damage.3
3All attacks reduced by 9 damage.5
Excellent defensive ability when taking fire from light damage weapons, often forcing the attacking player to take damage from the damage shield.

Stronger weapons, like rifles, can deal enough damage to ignore the effects of the skin.

Bonus Ability
For more information about bonus abilities, click this link.

E N S N A R E   ( coming soon )
Causes a target enemy player to be bound to the ground so that they cannot move. Players in the air will take damage from being forced to the ground.
Level Effects Level Req
1No information at this time.10
6No information at this time.15
Target can not move and is therefore much easier to kill. The duration is increased at higher levels.

Has a low chance of occurance.

For more information about ultimates, click this link.

M A N A   S H I E L D   ( coming soon )
Creates a shield on the target that absorbs incoming damage.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
10 seconds or 150 damage45 secondsSelf, Teammates
Target absorbs 75% damage from all attacks for 10 seconds. Can absorb up to 150 damage. Defensive abilities are ignored when wearing the shield.
Sort of an inverse heal, allowing the target to live longer.

Unlike other healing ultimates, when cast on players with low health it is not extremely effective. When wearing the shell, all defensive abilities are ignored.

F R O S T   B O L T   ( coming soon )
Throws a magical shard of ice at a target enemy player, dealing damage and stunning the target.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
3 seconds45 secondsEnemies
Deals 35 damage and immobilizes the target for 3 seconds.
Great immobilization ultimate. Deals damage first so if the target is low on health the initial damage could be enough to kill.

Weak overall damage for an ultimate.

P A R A S I T E   ( coming soon )
Afflicts a target enemy player with a deadly parasite that deals massive damage over time.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
40 seconds45 secondsEnemies
Deals 2 damage per second for 40 seconds.
Deals the most damage to a single target of any ultimate.

Allows a lot of time for the target to get a dispell or heal.

T O R N A D O   ( coming soon )
Summons a fierce tornado that slows enemy players' movement speed, sucks them toward it and randomly tosses them into the air.
Duration Cooldown Allowed Targets
Unknown45 secondsN/A
No information at this time.
An annoying ultimate to cast on a player, making it hard for them to concentrate on shooting.

Deals no damage, merely a nuisance to all players caught in it.

CREATION BY RYAN � Copyright 2004